The call for papers went out tonight for PostgreSQL Conference East which is being held in College Park Maryland on March 29th and 30th. At West, we only had one day and a series of 9 talks. This time around, we have two days and three rooms...
During EAST we plan on having a series of talks, tutorials and a new format (for us at least) mini-tutorials. The idea behind mini-tutorials is 90 minute HOWTO style talks. In my mind topics that fall under this would be items such as, "Knowing when bgwriter isn't working, and how to fix it" or "How does one use the the TOC option of the custom format for pg_dump."
These are not longer tutorials because they don't have to be. They are practical concepts that aren't really discussed well in the documentation and in general people don't talk about them on the lists.
What is even more interesting about the three rooms and two days is the wide array of content we are going to be able to provide to our attendees. We can host a total of 10 three hour tutorials, plus 9 talks or we can host about 20 mini-tutorials plus 9 talks or any combination in between. My hope is that we find a creative mix to allow not only a strong technical contribution to the community but also some inter-social time to allow users to mingle with contributors.
If you would like to submit a talk here is where you need to be!
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