PostgreSQL Conference: A new platform
In my on going efforts to secure a location for the upcoming East (MIT, Penn State, Drexel and even the Marriot are on the list), I am bound and determined to revamp the entire Pgcon.US website. I have several problems/goals I wish to solve.
  1. A more community orientated site. Currently the site is 100% manage by me. Although it does use PHP it is essentially flat files.
  2. A social site. I want people to use the site. We have a lot of excellent educational content and I want to make sure and utilize that.
  3. Promotion. I want to promote our speakers. Most use their own money to help our community. They should be acknowledged. First step, blog aggregation. No I don't want to compete with Planet or Planet but the more linked a blog is the better.
  4. A better sponsors interface. I want sponsors to feel as if they are partners. Possibly even allowing them to create custom content.
  5. A push to . My thought is that will become a portal for all postgresql conference about to happen. For example the Canadian International conference.
So take a look let me know what you think. Don't complain about a lack of an email. If you can't find my email, you probably shouldn't be emailing me.