In PostgreSQL, SERIAL is a pseudo-type type that creates a column that automatically increments its value. When you specify SERIAL as the data type of a column, PostgreSQL automatically generates unique values for that particular column. PostgreSQL supports three types of SERIAL pseudotypes: BIGSERIAL, SMALLSERIAL, and SERIAL. All these data types differ in terms of range.
This post demonstrates how to override a SERIAL column in PostgreSQL using suitable examples.
The main parameter that distinguishes BIGSERIAL, SMALLSERIAL, and SERIAL is the range of numbers they can hold/store. BIGSERIAL can store the biggest range of values, followed by SERIAL, and then SMALLSERIAL.
- The range of BIGSERIAL is "-9223372036854775808" to "9223372036854775807"
- The SERIAL data type has a range of "-2147483648" to "2147483647"
- The SMALLSERIAL has a range of "-32768" to "32767".
The choice of which pseudotype to use depends entirely on the specific requirements or preferences of the user.
Consider the following steps for a profound understanding of the SERIAL data types in Postgres:
Step 1: Create Auto-Incrementing Columns
Let’s first create auto-incrementing (SERIAL) columns. For this purpose, specify the desired pseudotype for a specific column at the time of table creation:
CREATE TABLE command_prompt_1( bigSerial_col BIGSERIAL, serial_col SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, smallSerial_col SMALLSERIAL, msg TEXT );
A table named “command_prompt” with the specified SERIAL data types has been successfully created:

Step 2: Verify Column's Default Value
Execute the "\d" meta-command with the newly created table name to check the column's default value:
\d command_prompt_1;

The serial types have been set as default values of the selected columns.
Step 3: INSERT Data
Now insert a couple of records in the command_prompt table by executing the following query:
INSERT INTO command_prompt_1 (msg) VALUES ('blog 1'), ('blog 2'), ('blog 3') RETURNING *;
The “RETURNING *” clause is utilized in the above query to get the newly inserted records. From the below-provided output snippet, you can observe that the SERIAL columns are automatically filled with the sequence of unique values:

That’s all about creating a column with SERIAL Data Types in PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL supports three types of SERIAL pseudotypes: BIGSERIAL, SMALLSERIAL, and SERIAL. The main parameter that distinguishes BIGSERIAL, SMALLSERIAL, and SERIAL is the range of numbers they can hold/store. BIGSERIAL can store the biggest range of values, followed by SERIAL, and then SMALLSERIAL. The choice of which pseudotype to use totally depends on the user's needs. This write-up has demonstrated a complete guide on overriding a SERIAL column in PostgreSQL.
Related Articles: PostgreSQL SERIAL- How to Create Auto-increment Columns,
Can a User Override a SERIAL Column in PostgreSQL?