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Postgresql: INSERT INTO ... (SELECT * ...)

INSERT INTO SELECT is a very useful statement in PostgreSQL which allows us to select or copy some data from one table and insert it into another.

RANK() versus DENSE_RANK() in Postgres: What is the Difference?

Rank() and DENSE_RANK() are the functions used to rank the data. Both functions have some functionality in common and some differences are also there.

Array Operators in PostgreSQL

Array operators are used to perform different operations on arrays. These operators are used for comparison, containment, overlapping, and concatenation.

How to Find Factorial of a Number in PostgreSQL

To find the factorial of a number in PostgreSQL, we use the FACTORIAL() function that takes a number as an input and returns the value of its factorial.

ENUM_RANGE() Function in PostgreSQL

ENUM_RANGE() is a built-in function in Postgres to manipulate the data having Enum data type. This function returns an array containing all the enumerators for the enum type in the same order as defined.

What is an Enum in PostgreSQL?

Enums are useful data types in Postgres that make it much easier to query, sort, and maintain the data and eventually improve data integrity.

pglogical Rediscovered: A Fresh Approach to Logical Replication for Ultra-high Availability

by Hari Kiran

August 22, 2023

Data replication is an essential aspect of modern database management systems, ensuring data availability, fault tolerance, and scalability. In the PostgreSQL world, a groundbreaking extension called Spock has emerged, transforming the way multi-active replication is handled. Spock, based on the pglogical logical replication tool, brings in a host of new features, including conflict resolution and avoidance, asynchronous replication, and more. In this blog post, …

How to Use Postgres Docker Official Image

To use Postgres image in Docker, run Postgres container using this image. For Docker compose file, define services in compose file and run Postgres container.

How to Use the LAST_VALUE() Function in PostgreSQL?

LAST_VALUE() is one of the Window functions in Postgres that retrieves the last value in the sorted partition/window of a result set.

PostgreSQL JSONB_SET() Function

JSONB_SET() accepts a new value, a JSONB value, and a path as arguments, and inserts the new value at the specified path within the targeted JSONB value.