The term PL/pgSQL refers to the Procedural Language/Postgres. In PL/pgSQL, the row-type variables aka row variables are used to store a complete record of a result set into a specific variable. Although, the row variables keep the whole row, however, an individual field of a specific row-type variable can be accessed using the dot syntax.
This post explains how to assign a complete row to a variable in Postgres using the row-type variables.
PL/pgSQL Row Types - Assign Complete Row to a Variable in Postgres
To work with row variables, first, you must learn how to declare them. A row variable can hold a row returned by a Postgres table or a view. Here, is the basic syntax that allows you to declare the row variables:
row_var_name tab_name%ROWTYPE;
row_var_name view_name%ROWTYPE;
In this syntax:
- “row_var_name” represents the variable’s name.
- “tab_name” and “view_name” represent the targeted table or view.
- The “tab_name” and “view_name” must be followed by the “%ROWTYPE” to declare a row variable.
Use the following dot syntax to access a specific field of a row-type variable.
Let’s learn the row-type variables practically.
Example 1: How to Assign a Complete Row to a Variable in Postgres?
In the following example, we will utilize a sample table named “emp_bio” whose details are depicted in the following snippet:
SELECT * FROM emp_bio;
Let's declare a row-type variable and assigned it a complete row:
DO $$ DECLARE emp_info emp_bio%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO emp_info FROM emp_bio WHERE e_id = 3; RAISE NOTICE 'Employee INFO: %', emp_info; END; $$
In the above code:
- A row-type variable named “emp_info” is declared.
- The INTO keyword is used to specify the selected row into the “emp_info” variable.
- The FROM clause keeps the name of the targeted table, i.e., “emp_bio”.
- The WHERE clause defines the selection criteria.
- The “RAISE NOTICE” is used to display the variable’s value.
The output shows the complete row that is stored in the “emp_info” variable.
Example 2: How to Access a Specific Field of a Row-Type Variable in Postgres?
In the following code snippet, we will utilize the dot syntax to access an individual field of the row-type variable:
DO $$ DECLARE emp_info emp_bio%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO emp_info FROM emp_bio WHERE e_id = 3; RAISE NOTICE 'Employee Salary: %', emp_info.emp_sal; END; $$
The output verifies that an individual field of the row-type variable has been successfully accessed.
In PL/pgSQL, the row-type variables aka row variables are used to store a complete record of a result set into a specific variable. A row-type variable can be declared with the same data type as the table’s selected row by using the “row_var_name tab_name%ROWTYPE” syntax. The dot syntax is used to access an individual field of a row-type variable. This post explained how to declare, assign, and access a row-type variable in Postgres using suitable examples.