PostgreSQL Else If Statement With Examples

PostgreSQL offers several decision-making statements such as IF, IF-THEN-ELSE, IF-THEN-ELSIF, etc. All these decision-driven statements are used to control the flow of the SQL statements based on specific criteria. In Postgres, the IF and IF-THEN-ELSE statements evaluate only one condition; however, the IF-THEN-ELSIF statement evaluates several conditions.

This write-up will discuss the working of the IF-THEN-ELSIF statement through practical examples. So, let’s start.

How Does the ELSE IF Statement Work in PostgreSQL?

IF-THEN-ELSIF is one of the decision-driven statements that evaluate several conditions.

  • The IF THEN ELSIF statement checks/evaluates each condition one by one.
  • When a condition becomes true, all the statements associated with that condition will get executed, and the rest of the conditions will be skipped.
  • If none of the specified conditions retrieve a true value, then the statements associated with the else part will get executed.


The below snippet elaborates the syntax of the IF-THEN-ELSIF statement:

IF condition_1 THEN
Statements;  //gets executed only if condition_1 retrieves true.
ELSIF condition_2 THEN
Statements;  //gets executed only if condition_2 retrieves true.
ELSIF condition_n THEN
Statements; //gets executed only if condition_n retrieves true.
Statements; //gets executed only if all the provided conditions retrieve false.

Example #1: How to Use IF-THEN-ELSIF Statement in Postgres?
Let’s create two variables and assign them some random values:

DO $$
first_val INT := 72;
second_val INT := 50;
IF first_val < second_val THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'first_val is less than second_val';
ELSIF first_val > second_val THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'first_val is greater than second_val';
RAISE NOTICE 'first_val is equal to second_val';
END $$;

In this example, we created two variables named first_val and second_val. We assigned them integer values. Afterward, we utilized conditional statements to compare their values:

  • In the if statement, we checked whether the first_val < second_val; if yes, then show the message “first_val is less than second_val”.
  • Else if the first_val > second_val; then return “first_val is greater than second_val”.
  • Else raise a notice “first_val is equal to the second_val”.

The output shows that the condition specified in the ELSIF part retrieves a true value, so the statement associated with the ELSIF part gets executed.

Example #2: How to Use ELSIF Statement on Table’s Data?

We have created a table named student_info and inserted the following records into it:

SELECT * FROM student_info;

Now we will specify the following five scenarios in the control statements:

  • If std_age <= 18 and std_gender = M then show “Teenage Male”.
  • If std_age <= 18 and std_gender = F then show “Teenage Female”.
  • If std_age > 18 and std_gender = M then show “Adult Male”.
  • If std_age > 18 and std_gender = F then show “Adult Female”.
  • If none of the above-given conditions return true, then show a notice "student with the specified id doesn't exist in the student_info table".
DO $$
student_data student_info%rowtype;
SELECT * FROM student_info
INTO student_data
WHERE std_id = 3;
IF student_data.std_age <=18 AND student_data.std_gender= 'M' THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Teenage Male';
ELSIF student_data.std_age > 18 AND student_data.std_gender= 'M' THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Adult Male';
ELSIF student_data.std_age <=18 AND student_data.std_gender= 'F' THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Teenage Female';
ELSIF student_data.std_age >18 AND student_data.std_gender= 'F' THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Adult Female';
RAISE NOTICE 'Student with the specified id does not exist in the student_info table';
END $$

Since the student having id 3 is a 19-year-old male, so, the ELSIF statement that satisfies the given condition retrieves a notice “Adult Male”.


In Postgres, the ELSIF is one of the decision-driven statements that evaluate several conditions. It checks/evaluates each condition one by one. When a condition becomes true, all the statements associated with that condition will get executed, and the rest of the conditions will be skipped. If none of the specified conditions retrieve a true value, then the statements associated with the else part will get executed. Through practical examples, this post explained the working of Postgres ELSE IF statement.