Postgres and Open Source Experts

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Blog and 3 weeks left until PostgreSQL Conference: East!

Its been a busy community season for me over here. A couple weeks back Greg Smith started down the path of getting a documentation wiki up for PostgreSQL. CMD offered to host and the rest is as they say, history. is meant to be a best of mailing list and web style site where people can go to find practical examples to in production problems for PostgreSQL. I invite …

No, I am not a dirty hippy. In other words, on licensing.

I find for many things the BSD License, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Not all things of course but some. To me it allows theft of work product. I know this is not the legal interpretation, it is a philosophical one and CMD is just as guilty of this theft as others in the PostgreSQL community including EDB and GreenPlum. The theory behind the BSD license is a …

PostgreSQL at SCALE day 2

It's the second day of the Southern California Linux Expo (well third, but second for PostgreSQL) and things are looking good so far. When walking the floor yesterday I was greeted by the pleasant surprise a customer,(Randr) has a booth at the show. I am glad to see that their Open Source business (based on PostgreSQL of course) is doing so well. Selena made a great PostgreSQL Conference …

PostgreSQL at Southern California Linux Expo

I am currently staffing the PostgreSQL booth at the Southern California Linux Expo. Initially the show was a little slow but I as kindly reminded as I reminisced about the high traffic days of OSCON that the Keynote for the show actually takes place mid morning. Once the key note ended traffic increased and with traffic increases comes new and old community members. Interestingly enough we have had many …

Thoughts on the PostgreSQL EU non profit.

I was talking with a peer about the particular PGEU problem that I am currently arguing on the following thread. I wanted to see if I could explain my position outside of the thread to allow the thread to stay productive.

I am aware that there are variable levels of cultural idioms in all countries. Americans have theirs, Canadians, Germans... all of them. Whenever I make a comment about the …

Call for Papers: PostgreSQL Conference East

The call for papers went out tonight for PostgreSQL Conference East which is being held in College Park Maryland on March 29th and 30th. At West, we only had one day and a series of 9 talks. This time around, we have two days and three rooms... During EAST we plan on having a series of talks, tutorials and a new format (for us at least) mini-tutorials. The idea behind …

Phew... Handling PostgreSQL Conference East 08

When Selena and I started with the Fall Conference last October we had no idea what a success it was going to be. O.k., Selena swears she knew but I was surprised. After Fall there was zero question that we were going to do an East. The community demand was just too high and we have a volume of not only contributors but also general community on the East coast. …

PostgreSQL Conference East 08 (updated)

It's that time, after a wildly successful conference last October in Portland, Oregon we are now beginning to ramp up for the East Coast 08 conference! The current plan is to host a two day conference of Tutorials (new) and Talks on March 28th and 29th. The currently designated location for the conference is the Univserity of Maryland. This will be confirmed within two weeks. For now, we are making …

PostgreSQL logging, time for a change

I have often thought that PostgreSQL logging although very flexible is also unwieldy. PostgreSQL has so many logging options, it is difficult if not impossible to find the "right" logging setting without a lot of trial and error. Let's just break it down. Below is all of the logging options available to DBAs when 8.3 hits store shelves.
#log_destination = 'stderr'		
# This is used when logging to stderr:
#logging_collector …

PostgreSQL Conference Fall 2007: My wrap up

We had a great time at the conference and subsequent party. If you are ever in PDX and want some great food and interesting accommodations I strongly suggest the Paramount Hotel and Dragon Fish cafe. They treated all of us very well and had great food! The conference did well above expectations, signing on 10 sponsors, some at the last minute (LinuxFund). Our original goal was only 4. And as …