Postgres and Open Source Experts

Anytime. Anywhere. Since 1997.


Replicator 1.8 Beta released as BSD

It took longer than we expected, but Replicator 1.8 for 8.1 and 8.3 of PostgreSQL has been released. It is 100% Open Source and of course, BSD. Replicator all your baby elephants here.

Thanks to all that helped with PostgreSQL Conference West

PostgreSQL Conference West was a big hit this weekend. It exceeded expectations of attendance as well as content. I would like to take a moment to thank the people that took time out of their personal lives to help make this conference a success!
  • Daniel Browning
  • Selena Decklemann
  • Lisa Drake
  • Josh Berkus
  • Richard Broersma Jr.
  • Tim Bruce
  • Rafael de Jess Fernndez Moctezuma
  • Lacey Powers
  • Gabrielle Roth
  • David Wheeler
  • Mark Wong …

On the morning of West, East 08 appears!

In preparing for West I decided we weren't going to go through the hassle we went through at East with recording. We ran out of tapes, had to borrow all the cameras, even used some digital cameras video mode. That combined with a lack of hardware to pull the video off of tapes caused content from East08 to be significantly delayed on getting to the web.

We purchased three cameras …

Pg Conference West: Last call for Lightning talks and tentative schedule released!

Lightning talks are an exciting way to get involved in the conference with very little commitment on the speakers end. Assuming you can stand in front of an audience for 5 minutes; you can speak about anything PostgreSQL or Open Source related.

Pg Conference West: Lightning talks!

While recently seeking feedback on the conference schedule from Josh Berkus and David Fetter I was asked, "Are there going to be lightning talks?". To which I replied, "What?". I know of lightning talks; in a similar manner of how I know of the existence of competitors to PostgreSQL. They are there in the background fog of consciousness while posing no perceivable threat but still trying to maintain their significance. …

WEST Conference shaping up nicely

Once again West this year is running on a truncated calendar. Registration is now open!. We had originally planned on announcing and organizing from June till end of conference. Unfortunately that didn't work out as planned and we are back on the 6-8 week time line. Nothing like Just in Time delivery! Not to worry though. West is shaping up nicely. We already have 20 talks and tutorials waiting …

PostgreSQL Conference: West. October 10th-12th Call for papers

The second annual PostgreSQL Conference: West is being held on October 10th through October 12th 2008 in the The Native American Student & Community Center at Portland State University. Command Prompt is sponsoring the 2nd annual West Coast PostgreSQL Conference. The conference is being held at Portland State University in Oregon. We look forward to seeing all the new and old PostgreSQL users alike. The conference is currently accepting papers …

PostgreSQL leads OSCON again

For the what seems like yet another year (can't we slow these guys down?), OSCON has proven to be the PostgreSQL stomping ground. Per our usual supply of great community members including, Selena, Gabrielle, Michael, Greg, Robert and the other Robert we had what seemed liked an endless supply of quality support and community reaction to all comers. This was also the first year in several that I haven't ran …

PostgreSQL 04/24/08 thru 05/01/08

As I digg and slashdot my way through the weary set of tubes that connects us all, I have stumbled across a number of interesting (good and bad) posts in the last week. The first of which comes from our friends doing Ruby on Rails development. As a PostgreSQL user, the very first thing that should jump out at you is that the error the individual "just installed" version …

Is that performance I smell? Ext2 vs Ext3 on 50 spindles, testing for PostgreSQL

There are few things I like better than when a customer says to the team, "I want the best machine I can buy for XXX dollars". It inspires a certain sense of joy not unlike the feeling an average Slashdot reader gets when they walk into the local gadget store. It is particularly special because you know as much as you could make use of such a machine, you know …