Replicator 1.8 Beta released as BSD
Thanks to all that helped with PostgreSQL Conference West
- Daniel Browning
- Selena Decklemann
- Lisa Drake
- Josh Berkus
- Richard Broersma Jr.
- Tim Bruce
- Rafael de Jess Fernndez Moctezuma
- Lacey Powers
- Gabrielle Roth
- David Wheeler
- Mark Wong …
On the morning of West, East 08 appears!
In preparing for West I decided we weren't going to go through the hassle we went through at East with recording. We ran out of tapes, had to borrow all the cameras, even used some digital cameras video mode. That combined with a lack of hardware to pull the video off of tapes caused content from East08 to be significantly delayed on getting to the web.
We purchased three cameras …
Pg Conference West: Last call for Lightning talks and tentative schedule released!
Pg Conference West: Lightning talks!
WEST Conference shaping up nicely
PostgreSQL Conference: West. October 10th-12th Call for papers
PostgreSQL leads OSCON again
PostgreSQL 04/24/08 thru 05/01/08
Is that performance I smell? Ext2 vs Ext3 on 50 spindles, testing for PostgreSQL
There are few things I like better than when a customer says to the team, "I want the best machine I can buy for XXX dollars". It inspires a certain sense of joy not unlike the feeling an average Slashdot reader gets when they walk into the local gadget store. It is particularly special because you know as much as you could make use of such a machine, you know …