The first meeting of the Silicon Valley Postgres Meetup was last night. Amazon Web Services sponsored the facilities in Cupertino and Roland Lee from Hemdalldata presented on:
How to Auto-Cache Postgres with no code changes.
There were about 20 people in attendance as well as another half a dozen that participated via Amazon Chime. Debbie Cerda, our Director of Business Development flew out from Austin, Tx to host. When we launched the Silicon Valley Meetup we wanted to ensure that it would not conflict with the well respected San Francisco PUG. Based on initial response, there is not a conflict and we are very happy about that. We attribute the lack of conflict two items:
- San Francisco is not part of the Silicon Valley
- During the times you would travel to a meetup, it will take you a minimum of 90 minutes to get from SF to SV. This is essentially driving from NYCPUG to PhillyPUG. People typically don't do that (Bruce Momjian excluded).
This has been further supported by the membership. Although the group launched less than a month ago we have over 130 members and less than 10% are members of both SFPUG and Silicon Valley PUG. It is nice to expand the coverage of Postgres people building. Please join us in continuing to build the community!