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PgManage 1.1 Released

PgManage 1.1, a usable Open Source Postgres manager, has been released

PgManage 1.0 Released

PgManage 1.0 released, grab it today!

Less is More

Sometimes, after using a tool for many years, you will discover a feature that totally changes how you do things. When it is a fundamental tool like “less”, it changes how you interact with many command line programs in Linux*.

Did you know that less can do far more than just press space to advance to the next page? I sure didn’t. Then one day I went down the rabbit …

Getting Started with pgBackRest: Perform Your First Backup

pgBackRest is a complete backup and continuous archiving solution for PostgreSQL offering support for point-in-time recovery (PITR), fast multi-threaded backup and restore, compression and encryption of backups, and more. In this article, we will explore pgBackRest’s features and present how to set up a basic pgBackRest configuration.

PgManage 1.0rc1 released

PgManage 1.0rc1 released - an inch closer to being a mile ahead

Courtesy Notification: CVE-2020-21469 PostgreSQL 12.2 Security Vulnerability

This is a courtesy notification to our clients and community regarding an alleged security issue for PostgreSQL 12.2.

The following issue was reported as CVE-2020-21469:

An issue discovered in PostgreSQL 12.2 allows attackers to cause a denial of service via repeatedly sending SIGHUP signals.

This is not a security vulnerability, and was filed without prior knowledge of or consultation with the PostgreSQL Security Team as reported in this …

PgManage 1.0b2 released

PgManage 1.0b2 released.

PgManage 1.0b released

Command Prompt is pleased to announce PgManage version 1.0b. This release adds two major features, 3 major bug fixes and over a dozen changes and improvements. PgManage is a Postgres centered multi-database management Open Source project.

New features:

  • Added backup/restore support for PostgreSQL
  • First version of PgManage Handbook was published to

Major Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed .AppImage compatibility issues for newer Linux distributions which do not have libcrypt installed
  • Added …

Announcing PgManage 1.0a

PgManage is a Postgres centered multi-database management Open Source project. It is a fork of the previously well received project OmniDB that had been abandoned. Command Prompt has taken the helm of this project to ensure a quality project focused on the Management of PostgreSQL and related technologies.

Major Changes from OmniDB

New features:

  • new connection management UI
  • added …

Performance Analysis of PostgreSQL Data Checksums

Recently I have been working on PostgreSQL benchmarks for its data checksums feature. This incredibly valuable option to initdb -- introduced in version 9.3 in 2013 -- allows quick detection of corrupted disk data pages. It provides the glorious opportunity to simply failover to a standby before your data becomes corrupted, rather than endure the horror of discovering the corruption afterward and attempting to recover.

But people care as much …