PgManage 1.0 Released
- New features:
- added SQL file import into Query and Snippet tabs
- added SQL file export from Query and Snippet tabs
- query tab title now displays the name of the imported file
- query history can now be filtered by database
- added MySQL and MariaDB support in database Schema editor
- new autocomplete in SQL code editor
- added search and replace in SQL code editor
- added live query execution timer for long-running queries
- make "restore application tabs" behavior configurable in application settings
- make DB object tree "scroll into view" behavior configurable in application settings
- Major Bugs fixed:
- fixed database tab restore concurrency issues when restoring multiple workspaces
- change selected database when database child nodes are clicked
- update workspace tooltips when corresponding connection gets renamed
- don't try to run explain/analyze visualizer for non-Postgres database connections
- don't allow setting nullable and primary-key column properties on schema editor
- fixed various layout isues in UI walkthrough component
- fixed issue when new monitoring widget modal wasn't possible to open after widget save/update
- fixed automatic selection of last used database when reconnecting
- reset connection properties form when connection manager dialog is closed
- UI/UX Improvements:
- improved application font size change handling various parts of the app
- copy only selected text into clipboard if editor has a selection
- application tabs now fit within a single row and can be scrolled if there are too many tabs
- improved UI performance during application panel resize
- improved UI responsiveness when application window is resized
- application data grids layout improvements
- data editor cell contents modal can now be shown by double-clicking the cell
- database query tabs now show the associated database in tab title
- added buttons for database tab scrolling
- improved displaying of long error messages in application toast notifications
- warn user about unsaved connection changes in connection manager dialog
- Other changes
- code indent feature now has a maximum content length limited to 75mb
- monitoring dashboard was rewritten in Vuejs
- application tab management code was rewritten in Vuejs
- password dialogs were rewritten in Vuejs
- improved SSH tunnel error handling
- improved error reporting when SSH tunnel issues occur
- legacy code cleaned-up/removed
- improved database back-end clean-up when query is cancelled by the user
- updated django from 3.2.18 to 3.2.25
- updated tabulator.js from 5.5.2 to 6.2
- updated chart.js
- significantly improved application error logging
- Download
- Contribute
- PgManage is Open Source and being developed on Github