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What Does starts_with() Function Do in PostgreSQL

The starts_with() function takes a string and checks whether that string starts with another specified string passed as an argument in the function and returns a boolean.

Raise Notice Statement in PostgreSQL

RAISE NOTICE is used to raise an error and report a message and that error is reported back to the user. It is followed by a format that is basically the string we want to show to the user.

How to Use strpos() Function in PostgreSQL

The strpos() is a built-in function in PostgreSQL that is used to determine the position/location of a sub-string in a main string.

What Does SELECT LIMIT Statement Do in PostgreSQL

The SELECT LIMIT statement is used to limit data up to a specified number of rows. The number of rows has to be specified after the LIMIT keyword.

PostgreSQL array_fill() Function

The array_fill() is a function that fills an array with a specified argument. The dimensions of that array are also specified in that function as an argument.

How to Use the make_interval() Function in PostgreSQL?

The make_interval() method generates an interval based on the arguments passed into it. All the arguments are of INT data type except the last one i.e. seconds, which is of DOUBLE PRECISION.

How to Use translate() Function in PostgreSQL

The PostgreSQL translate() function returns a string after replacing a set of strings from one main string with some set of characters specified.

How to Find Square of a Number in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, there are two ways to calculate/get the square of a number: the POWER() function and a user-customized logic, i.e., multiplying the number by itself.

PostgreSQL CITEXT Data Type

The CITEXT data type in PostgreSQL is case-insensitive that allows us to do text comparisons without worrying about the case.

What is PostgreSQL DOUBLE PRECISION Data Type?

DOUBLE PRECISION data type is a floating-point data type. It offers high precision and wide storage space of 8 bytes.