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How to Use DATE_TRUNC() Function in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the DATE_TRUNC() function trims unnecessary values from the date and time and returns a result with specific precision.

How To Replace a String Using REPLACE() Function in PostgreSQL

The REPLACE() is a very convenient function that is used to search and replace all the appearances of a string with a new substring/text.

How to Find Length of a String in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the LENGTH() function is used to find the length of a string. It takes a string as a parameter and returns the total number of characters.

How to Describe a Table in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides several ways to describe a table. For example, the “\d” command, “\dt” command, and information_schema.

How to Delete Multiple Rows From a Table in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the DELETE statement is used with the collaboration of the WHERE clause and IN operator to delete multiple rows from a table.

How to Insert Multiple Rows to a Table in PostgreSQL

The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert single or multiple rows into a table. To insert multiple rows in a table, the comma-separated syntax is used.

How to Use FETCH Clause in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides a FETCH clause that is used to fetch/retrieve a part of rows returned by any query. It performs the same functionality as the LIMIT clause.

How to Use the Truncate Table Command in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides several methods for truncating a specific table. The TRUNCATE TABLE command is one of them. It can be executed from the psql and pgAdmin.

How to Use BETWEEN Operator in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the BETWEEN operator is used to find a match against a range of values in SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE queries.

How to Use IN Operator in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the IN operator is used with the collaboration of the WHERE clause to check the existence of a particular value in a list of values.