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How to Create PostgreSQL Tables With psql and pgAdmin

In PostgreSQL, a table is used to organize the complex, detailed, and unordered data. A table can be created using the "CREATE TABLE" statement.

PostgreSQL JSON Data: How it Works

The JSON data type in Postgres stores the data in the form of key-value pairs. To create a table’s column with JSON data type, you can specify the column’s name followed by the “JSON” data type.

Understanding PostgreSQL Arrays

PostgreSQL allows us to define a table’s column as an array of any built-in data type, user-defined data type, or enumerated data type.


Postgres doesn’t support the “IF NOT EXISTS” option for the CREATE DATABASE command. To achieve the functionality of the “IF NOT EXISTS” option, a subquery can be used in Postgres.

PostgreSQL Data Types Explained

PostgreSQL provides a wide range of data types, such as textual, numeric, and temporal, for efficient data storage and manipulation.

PostgreSQL Aggregate Functions With Practical Examples

To perform calculations on a set of rows, the aggregate functions are used. These functions perform calculations on the table rows and return only a single row.

How to Use GROUP BY Clause in PostgreSQL

The GROUP BY clause in PostgreSQL is used with the collaboration of the SELECT statement to group several rows/items.


In PostgreSQL, the main difference between the BIGSERIAL, SMALLSERIAL, and SERIAL is the range of numbers they can hold/store.

PostgreSQL - DATEADD - Add Interval to DateTime

Postgres allows us to add intervals to date time using the “+” and “-” operators. This post demonstrated various examples of adding intervals to DateTime values.

How to Insert or Delete Multiple Rows in PostgreSQL

Use the INSERT query with comma-separated syntax to insert multiple rows into a Postgres table. To delete multiple rows, use the DELETE statement with IN clause.