Postgres' UPPER() function accepts a string as an argument and converts the string’s case to upper. It can accept any character string, such as CHAR, TEXT, and VARCHAR.
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Postgres' UPPER() function accepts a string as an argument and converts the string’s case to upper. It can accept any character string, such as CHAR, TEXT, and VARCHAR.
PostgreSQL provides a built-in string function named LOWER() that accepts a string as an argument and converts it into lowercase.
In PostgreSQL, the FLOOR() function is one of the math functions that accept a numeric value or expression and round down the given number to the nearest integer/whole number.
TRIM() is an inbuilt function in Postgres that accepts a string and deletes the leading, trailing, or both leading and trailing spaces or characters from a string.
PostgreSQL provides a built-in function named MD5 that accepts a string as an argument and converts it into a 32 characters text string. It retrieves the resultant value in the hexadecimal.
PostgreSQL provides a built-in mathematical function named LOG() that calculates the logarithm of a number to the base ten or the specified base.
Postgres provides a CEIL() function that takes a numeric value or an expression as an argument and rounds up the given value/expression to the next whole number.
In PostgreSQL, TRUN() function is one of the math functions that accept a numeric value and truncates its entire fractional part or up to specific decimal places.
The “CREATE TEMP TABLE” command is used to create the temporary table in the PostgreSQL. This table will be removed after terminating the current session.
In Postgres, an SQL command: “\dt” and a couple of built-in schemas: pg_catalog and information_schema, are used to list all the tables of a database.