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How to use the ALTER TABLE command in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the ALTER TABLE command serves multiple functionalities on a table like adding a column, dropping a column, renaming a table/columns, etc.

How to drop a table in PostgreSQL

To drop/delete a table from the PostgreSQL database, open the SQL SHELL and type the DROP TABLE command followed by the table name.

How to drop a database in PostgreSQL

Execute the DROP DATABASE command from psql while dropdb command from the command prompt to remove/drop any specific PostgreSQL database.

How to select/access a database in PostgreSQL

There are multiple ways to select or access a PostgreSQL database, such as Command Prompt (cmd), SQL SHELL (psql), and pgAdmin 4.

How to download and install PostgreSQL

Download PostgreSQL “exe” file > open downloaded file > specify installation directory > select components > select directory > set password > and install.

How to Create a Table in PostgreSQL & Perform CRUD Operations

Tables in PostgreSQL can be created following the syntax discussed in the article. You can insert, update, read, and delete data from the table with the help of queries.