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How to Fix the “column can only be updated to DEFAULT” Error in Postgres

The “column can only be updated to DEFAULT” error arises when a user tries to update the value of an IDENTITY column that is created using the "GENERATED ALWAYS" option.

How to Drop IDENTITY Column From a Postgres Table

To drop or delete an IDENTITY column from a table, execute the ALTER TABLE statement with the DROP IDENTITY option.

How to Fix “ERROR: step size cannot equal zero” While Creating a Series in PostgreSQL

The "step size can't equal zero" error in PostgreSQL occurs when a user uses a wrong step size of 0 while generating a series using the generate_series() function.

How to Fix the “column of the relation must be declared NOT NULL before an identity can be added” Error in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, altering a regular column to an IDENTITY column requires the targeted column to be defined as NOT NULL.

How to Fix the "can't insert a non-default value into column id" Error in Postgres

The “can't insert a non-default value into column id” error arises when a user tries to insert the value to an IDENTITY column that is created using the "GENERATED ALWAYS" option.

How to Alter max_connections Parameter in PostgreSQL

To alter the “max_connections” parameter in Postgres, the “ALTER SYSTEM SET max_connections = num_of_connections;” command is used.

What Does the LASTVAL() Function Do in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, “LASTVAL()” is a built-in function that retrieves the most recently generated sequence value of the current session.

How to Alter IDENTITY Column in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the ALTER TABLE statement is used with ADD IDENTITY or DROP IDENTITY to add or remove an IDENTITY column to a Postgres table.

How Do I Create an IDENTITY Column in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL 10 introduced a new feature named the "IDENTITY" column, which allows us to create a table’s column with auto-incrementing values.

How Does the SUM() Function Work With the GROUP BY Clause in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the SUM() function can be executed with the GROUP BY clause to compute the sum of a particular column grouped by single or multiple columns.