Postgres and Open Source Experts

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Spreading the conference love

The PostgreSQL community has a lot of conferences in the United States:
  • PgUS United States PostgreSQL Conference 
  • Citus Data PgConfSV
  • PgUS SCALE PgDay (which as of 2016 is really a conference within a conference)
  • PostgresOpen
  • EDB PostgresVision
And that doesn't come even close to the number of various conferences in Europe.

As Bruce Momjian pointed out in his excellent blog this is a good thing. It is true that in …

Managing pg_hba.conf With Ansible

pg_hba.conf is perhaps one of the easiest to understand configuration files in PostgreSQL. Its syntax is straightforward, the concept seems to resemble that of any popular IP filter or ACL mechanism in various software packages. pg_hba.conf is also well documented, like the rest of PostgreSQL, and we love it because it lets us do what we want without getting in our way. What else could we possibly ask of it? …

The Write Ahead Log: Essentials

WAL (acronym for the Write Ahead Log) is the mechanism that Postgres uses to implement durability (the D in ACID) of data changes in the face of a system crash. WAL is also a critical component for Postgres to provide binary replication as well as online binary backups.

PostgreSQL mininum requirements

In this article we will be discussing the minimum requirements for production usage of PostgreSQL whether on-prem or in the cloud. We will not be discussing proprietary forks such as Amazon RDS or other Open Source forks such as Yugabyte or Greenplum.

PostgreSQL is the Linux of databases. It provides the kernel and key features to the most critical database services available today.