Postgres and Open Source Experts

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Will Postgres use the second element of an index if it is the only element in the WHERE clause?

This is a test table from an Oracle to Postgres migration. The table has had a dozen or so columns removed for the illustration of this test case. I did not design this table but the customer is fixing it (adding proper primary key, changing to boolean and integer where appropriate etc...).

Table "public.costcenter"

       Column       |            Type             |     Modifiers
  costcenterid      | numeric                     | not null
  costcenterno      | character varying(100) …

Rich in the Jungle: A AWS to Softlayer comparison for PostgreSQL

I have updated my Rich in the Jungle presentation with new pricing for AWS vs. Softlayer. Things haven't changed much, in terms of raw performance per dollar (which is not the only qualifier). Softlayer is clearly the winner.

The fall of Open Source

Once upon a time FOSS was about Freedom. It was about exposing equality within source code. It allowed everyone equal rights and equal access to the technology they were using. An idea that if you were capable, you could fix code or pay someone to fix code. An ideology that there was something greater than yourself and that there was an inherent right built into what it is to be …

Upgrading Ubuntu LTS and PostgreSQL

If your PostgreSQL instance is running on an Ubuntu LTS system that you need to upgrade to the most recent release, say from precise to trusty – because, well, sooner or later you must – you need to consider what is going to happen to your database.

The upgrade process described in this article is similar to what you would have to do if you were upgrading from Trusty …

What is good for the community is good for the company (profit is the reward)

As the PostgreSQL community continues down its path of world domination I can't help but wonder whether the various PostgreSQL companies are going to survive the changes. Once upon a time there was an undercurrent of understanding that what was good for the community was good for the company. Whatever company that may be. However, over the last few years it seems that has changed. It seems there is more …

Simpycity 2.0.0 released (An ORM in Python)

What Simpycity Is

Simpycity is an object-relational mapper. It seamlessly maps PostgreSQL query
and function result sets to Python classes and class attributes.

It allows for the easy and rapid development of query- and
stored procedure-based data representations. Simpycity leverages PostgreSQL's
powerful composite type system, and the advanced type handling of the psycopg2
database access library.

What Simpycity is Not

Simpycity is not a SQL generator and does not attempt …

PgConf.US: 2016 Kicking the donkey of PostgreSQL Replication

My slides from my presentation and PgConf.US 2016:


Spreading the conference love

The PostgreSQL community has a lot of conferences in the United States:
  • PgUS United States PostgreSQL Conference 
  • Citus Data PgConfSV
  • PgUS SCALE PgDay (which as of 2016 is really a conference within a conference)
  • PostgresOpen
  • EDB PostgresVision
And that doesn't come even close to the number of various conferences in Europe.

As Bruce Momjian pointed out in his excellent blog this is a good thing. It is true that in …

Managing pg_hba.conf With Ansible

pg_hba.conf is perhaps one of the easiest to understand configuration files in PostgreSQL. Its syntax is straightforward, the concept seems to resemble that of any popular IP filter or ACL mechanism in various software packages. pg_hba.conf is also well documented, like the rest of PostgreSQL, and we love it because it lets us do what we want without getting in our way. What else could we possibly ask of it? …

The Write Ahead Log: Essentials

WAL (acronym for the Write Ahead Log) is the mechanism that Postgres uses to implement durability (the D in ACID) of data changes in the face of a system crash. WAL is also a critical component for Postgres to provide binary replication as well as online binary backups.