Postgres and Open Source Experts

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What makes a Postgres contributor?

In many Open Source communities it is difficult to consider who a contributor is. Some projects take an exclusive view, requiring a direct contribution to be made to be considered a contributor. Looking at this holistically, we find that the success of a project is found only when there is a mutual connection between the hands-on team and those who support it.Without that connection, PostgreSQL would just be a fever …

Episode Four and Five of: More than a refresh available

A couple of our recent podcasts are directly related to PostgreSQL, they are listed below. I have really enjoyed meeting the people behind the technology that drives PostgreSQL in the global community. A lot of us are used to collectively gathering a few times a year with conferences. Obviously the pandemic has put a halt to that but launching the podcast has allowed me to connect with some amazing folks.

Keeping the Fire Alive: Maintaining Client Relationships From a DBA Perspective

In my seven years at Command Prompt I've helped many clients, often several of them at the same time. After a project is completed, I know that it was a job well done when that client calls on Command Prompt months and maybe years later for additional help. Often, they call for me by name, creating long lasting and mutually beneficial relationships, which are key to Command Prompt's success. How …

Thoughts on Forks and Open Source Licenses

I had the opportunity to speak with Karthik Ranganathan of YugabyteDB a couple of weeks ago; he was the inaugural guest for our new podcast, “More than a Refresh: A podcast about data and people who wrangle it.” Karthik is the CTO and one of the Founders of YugabyteDB. He provided an interesting perspective on Open Source and the license changes of other database companies. YugabyteDB is a …

Optimizing the documentation

The community has spent a lot of time optimizing features over the years. Excellent examples include parallel query and partitioning which have been multi-year efforts to increase the quality, performance, and extend features of the original commit. We should consider the documentation in a similar manner. Just like code, documentation can sometimes use a bug fix, optimization, and/or new features added to the original implementation.

Technical documentation should only be …

Null Characters: Workarounds Aren’t Good Enough

By Anders Cornell, Jr. DBA

PostgreSQL is a great piece of software. Its features are well-designed, and they compose elegantly. It’s among the most versatile and reliable software I've ever used and its comprehensive superiority over other relational database products leads me to think of PostgreSQL as the data-store that can do anything. But today I'm here to discuss something that PostgreSQL can't do: handle null characters (also known as …


I am on the phone with Eric Ridge of ZomboDB and PGX fame. We chat often on the People, Postgres, Data Discord server (yes you should join) and we have unofficial “we are human so we get on the phone” calls about twice a month. The calls are generally about PostgreSQL and the awesome Open Source projects he is building around our famed database. However, on this call I got a question I don’t normally get: how good is your SQL?

Meet Justin Graf: Command Prompt's Offgrid Aficionado

Welcome to our blog series: Meet the Team, where we will introduce you to the minds behind Command Prompt. This month we are talking with Justin Graf, DBA.


How long have you been with Command Prompt?

I started in March 2020, but I’d known about Command Prompt since 2004/05. At the time I was looking for a new ERP/MRP package for the company that I was working for as the …

How to add seconds to a timestamp to get an ending timestamp?

Command Prompt is one of the oldest Postgres support companies in the world and we have been blessed to be extremely busy with Professional community development including meetups and conferences. With the current climate we thought it would also be useful to remind people of “Simple Tips”. Simple tips will help new users of Postgres and related technologies to answer those pesky little questions that are in the back of …

Hacking on PostgreSQL snap at Snapcraft Summit 2018

As you may know, Command Prompt, Inc. develops and maintains PostgreSQL snap packages as a service to community. If you used it, you also know that unfortunately it is not yet a drop-in replacement for DEB builds distributed via PGDG APT repository.

PostgreSQL is one of the major open source projects out there that is extremely popular with all sorts of crowds: from enthusiasts to unicorn startups. And as the …