Postgres and Open Source Experts

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Pinpointing, Planning, and Roadmapping Future Software Updates: Why It Matters

Planning and road-mapping updates not only address immediate issues but also contribute to long-term stability and security, helping your organization avoid major headaches down the road.

PgManage 1.0 Released

PgManage 1.0 released, grab it today!

PgManage 1.0b2 released

PgManage 1.0b2 released.

PgManage 1.0b released

Command Prompt is pleased to announce PgManage version 1.0b. This release adds two major features, 3 major bug fixes and over a dozen changes and improvements. PgManage is a Postgres centered multi-database management Open Source project.

New features:

  • Added backup/restore support for PostgreSQL
  • First version of PgManage Handbook was published to

Major Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed .AppImage compatibility issues for newer Linux distributions which do not have libcrypt installed
  • Added …

Announcing PgManage 1.0a

PgManage is a Postgres centered multi-database management Open Source project. It is a fork of the previously well received project OmniDB that had been abandoned. Command Prompt has taken the helm of this project to ensure a quality project focused on the Management of PostgreSQL and related technologies.

Major Changes from OmniDB

New features:

  • new connection management UI
  • added …

PostgreSQL and Financial Calculations - Part One

A series on the use of data types to insure accurate financial calculations with your application.

Over my multi-decade career, I have often noticed the problematic use of real, floating, double, and fixed precision types to store and calculate financials. Most believe the application only needs two digits to the right of the decimal point for financial data. The use of only two digits assumes that many financial calculations do …

PostgresConf Silicon Valley 2022, anticipated talks

On Thursday and Friday of this week we will be enjoying 90 degree weather and sunshine in San Jose, California. It will be quite the change from the dark and damp of NW Washington. This is also the first time I will have been on an airplane in almost 3 years. Yes, it really has been that long since the world decided to begin a pandemic. That said, I am …

Will Postgres use the second element of an index if it is the only element in the WHERE clause?

This is a test table from an Oracle to Postgres migration. The table has had a dozen or so columns removed for the illustration of this test case. I did not design this table but the customer is fixing it (adding proper primary key, changing to boolean and integer where appropriate etc...).

Table "public.costcenter"

       Column       |            Type             |     Modifiers
  costcenterid      | numeric                     | not null
  costcenterno      | character varying(100) …

PostgreSQL mininum requirements

In this article we will be discussing the minimum requirements for production usage of PostgreSQL whether on-prem or in the cloud. We will not be discussing proprietary forks such as Amazon RDS or other Open Source forks such as Yugabyte or Greenplum.

PostgreSQL is the Linux of databases. It provides the kernel and key features to the most critical database services available today.