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What Does NOT LIKE Operator Do in Postgres

The NOT LIKE operator looks for the specified character/text/string in the database and returns those records that do not contain that specified string/pattern.

How to Fix Error “function ntile() Does Not Exist” in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the error “function ntile() Does Not Exist” basically arises when we do not provide any argument to the ntile() function.

How to Create a Tablespace in PostgreSQL

To create a tablespace in PostgreSQL, the “CREATE TABLESPACE” statement is used with the “LOCATION” clause. It refers to the location on the disk where all the data for a database is stored.

How to Use REAL Data Type in PostgreSQL

The REAL data type is a numeric data type used to store the single-precision floating point numbers. It requires fewer storage constraints as compared to the DOUBLE PRECISION data type.

How to Get the First, Last, and nth value of a Partition in Postgres

In PostgreSQL, users can get the first, last, and any nth values from each partition using the FIRST_VALUE(), LAST_VALUE(), and NTH_VALUE(), respectively.

How to Run PostgreSQL Queries in psql

First, establish a connection with the postgres database from psql, after that, you can run all the PostgreSQL queries like DDL and DML in psql in similar ways as you run them in pgAdmin.

PostgreSQL json_extract_path() Vs json_extract_path_text() - What's the Difference

The Postgres json_extract_path() function and json_extract_path_text() function both are JSON functions that are used to extract the nested values from JSON values specified at a certain path.

Postgres Drop Function If Exists

In PostgreSQL, the DROP and DROP IF EXISTS statements are used to delete any existing database object. We can drop a database, table, column, function, any extension, etc. in Postgres by using the DROP or DROP IF EXISTS statements. These statements do the same job of dropping an object but they also have a difference in their working. We will specifically talk about the DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS statement.

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How to Extract First N or Last N Characters From a Column in PostgreSQL

We can extract the first and last n characters from a table column and use them as per our needs. This can be done by utilizing the LEFT() and RIGHT() functions of PostgreSQL.

How to Use inet_client_port() and inet_server_port() Functions in Postgres

The inet_client_port() function gives the IP port number of the current client and the inet_server_port() function returns the IP port number of the server