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How to Alter a Trigger in PostgreSQL

A trigger can be altered in PostgreSQL by using the ALTER TRIGGER command. We can rename the trigger and then verify if the change in name has occurred or not.

How to Use date_bin() Function in PostgreSQL

The date_bin() function is used to truncate a specified timestamp into another timestamp using an interval based on the original timestamps.

How the Exp() Function Works in PostgreSQL

The Exp() function in Postgresql takes a numeric value as an input and returns a value having a Numeric data type or specifically DOUBLE PRECISION.

How to Use cbrt() Function PostgreSQL

The cbrt() function in PostgreSQL takes a numeric value as an input and returns a value having DOUBLE PRECISION data type.

Exception Handling in PostgreSQL

Exceptions are unexpected issues that we encounter while executing a program code. These disturb and sometimes abort the normal functioning of the program.

How to Get Records From the Last 24 Hours in PostgreSQL

To get records from the last 24 hours in Postgres, execute the "SELECT * " command and set a condition to subtract "24 hours" from the current DateTime.

How to Use ASSERT Statement in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides an ASSERT statement for inserting debugging checks for the program. The ASSERT statement provides a condition to the program.

How to Use Dollar-Quoted String Constants

To insert a single quote in the text, we will have to double it up. This makes the text very complex and unreadable in case the string contains many single quotes.

PostgreSQL Data Definition Language (DDL)

The DDL(Data Definition Language) is used for creating and modifying the object structures in the database using some commands and statements.

How to Get the First Row Per Group in PostgreSQL

To get the first row per group in Postgres, divide the data into groups, assign a number to each row, sort the data in specific order, and retrieve the top row.