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In PostgreSQL, the main difference between the BIGSERIAL, SMALLSERIAL, and SERIAL is the range of numbers they can hold/store.

What Does the CURRVAL() Function Do in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, “CURRVAL()” is a built-in function that returns the most recently retrieved value of the NEXTVAL() function for a specific sequence in the current session.

Can a User Override a SERIAL Column in PostgreSQL?

Yes! A SERIAL column can be overridden by the user by explicitly specifying the column name and corresponding value in the INSERT statement.

How to Fix “START value cannot be less than MINVALUE” When Creating a Sequence in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, to fix the “START value can’t be less than MINVALUE” error, make sure that the starting value of the sequence is equal to or greater than the MINVALUE.

How to Fix “currval of sequence is not yet defined in this session” Error When Calling CURRVAL() in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the “currval of sequence is not yet defined in this session” error occurs when the NEXTVAL() function is invoked before the CURRVAL() function.

How to Fix the “nextval: reached minimum value of sequence” Error in PostgreSQL

To fix "nextval: reached minimum value" issue, various solutions like the "Cycle" option, changing the minimum value, etc. are used in Postgres.

How to Setup Amazon RDS Aurora Postgres Database

To set up an Amazon RDS Aurora database, head into the RDS dashboard and create a database. Configure it by selecting the Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible engine.

How to Connect to the Amazon RDS Aurora Postgres DB Instance

Launch an EC2 instance and then create an AWS RDS database. Connect to the instance and use the database endpoint to connect to the RDS database.

How to Create an AWS RDS Aurora (PostgreSQL Compatible) DB in pgAdmin

Create an AWS RDS database using an Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible engine and use its endpoint to create a server on the pgAdmin from the local system.

How to Backup and Restore PostgreSQL Databases Using Command Line

Open the terminal and head into the PostgreSQL directory. Use the pg_dump command to create a backup of the database and pg_restore to restore the database.