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How to Set Windows PATH for Postgres Tools

To set Windows PATH for Postgres tools, open System Properties > “Environment Variable” > “Path” variable > “Edit..” button > “NEW” button > specify Postgres bin directory’s path > hit the “OK” button.

Different Methods to Copy or Clone a Table in PostgreSQL

In Postgres, different commands, such as CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, CREATE TABLE AS TABLE, etc. are used to duplicate a table with or without data.

How to Start, Stop, or Restart the PostgreSQL Server?

There are various ways to start, stop, or restart the Postgres server on Windows, such as using the “net start” command, “pg_ctl” utility, or “services” manager.

How Do I Set/Change the Default Schema in PostgreSQL

A schema in database management systems represents a set of rules that regulate/handle a database. It is a logical structure that holds various database objects like views, tables, indexes, sequences, etc. In Postgres, “public” is a Default schema. So, by default, Postgres users can access the "public" schema and create objects in it, such as views, tables, etc.

The SET SEARCH_PATH command, however, allows a user to set any other …

How to Create a Copy of a Database in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, use the CREATE DATABASE command along with the “WITH TEMPLATE” parameter to copy or clone a database.

PostgreSQL JSON Data: How it Works

The JSON data type in Postgres stores the data in the form of key-value pairs. To create a table’s column with JSON data type, you can specify the column’s name followed by the “JSON” data type.

PostgreSQL Conditional Expressions - Explained With Examples

In PostgreSQL, conditional expressions are used to select one of the multiple values based on the Boolean condition.

How to Query JSON Column in Postgres

Postgres supports a couple of native JSON operators to query the data from a JSON column. These operators include a short arrow “->” and a long arrow “->>”.

How to Convert a Unix Timestamp to a Date or Time Value in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the TO_TIMESTAMP() function is used to convert a Unix or Posix Timestamp to a date or time value.

PostgreSQL CASE Statement - Explained With Examples

The CASE statement is one of the conditional expressions that is used to create conditional queries. Postgres supports two forms of the CASE statement: A Searched CASE and a simple CASE.