Array_position() function gives the first occurrence of an element while the Array_positions() function gives all the occurrences of an element in an array.
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Array_position() function gives the first occurrence of an element while the Array_positions() function gives all the occurrences of an element in an array.
To enable a trigger in PostgreSQL, the “ALTER TABLE” statement is used with the “DISABLE TRIGGER” clause. We need to specify the name of the trigger associated with a particular table in case of enabling one trigger.
In PostgreSQL, different methods are used to list all the triggers associated with a database, such as "pg_trigger catalog", "psql" command, and SQL queries.
In PostgreSQL, a trigger can be dropped from the table by specifying the name of the trigger and the name of the table to which it is associated.
In PostgreSQL, the "ALTER TABLE" with the "DISABLE TRIGGER" clause is used to disable a trigger. We need to specify the name of the trigger associated with a particular table in case of disabling one trigger.
In PostgreSQL, we use the make_timestamp() and make_timestamptz() functions to show the timestamps. Both functions give errors when the input parameters have some issue maybe due to the wrong data type, etc.
Triggers are useful in many ways such as keeping an audit for changes and transactions, applying the business rules, and validating the user input data.
A trigger can be altered in PostgreSQL by using the ALTER TRIGGER command. We can rename the trigger and then verify if the change in name has occurred or not.
The date_bin() function is used to truncate a specified timestamp into another timestamp using an interval based on the original timestamps.
The Exp() function in Postgresql takes a numeric value as an input and returns a value having a Numeric data type or specifically DOUBLE PRECISION.