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Is it time for a newbie-hacker mentor for

At PostgresConf US 2018, Bruce Momjian, Grant Zhou, and I had a meeting to discuss potential opportunities for the Chinese PostgreSQL community to participate in the wider International community, including submitting patches to PostgreSQL.Org. Then at Postgres Open China the International Consultants Committee had a meeting to discuss more opportunities in depth. Between the two meetings there were a lot of ideas but one opportunity that was considered needs …

Went to Bejing for Postgres Open China and China Open Source, Open Source World

I spent the week of June 25th in Bejing, China with the outstanding Chinese Open Source and Postgres Communities. I was there to speak atboth Postgres Open China and the China Open Source World conferences as well as participate in a Chinese Open Source panel and the International Consultants committee meeting, of which I am the President. This was my first trip to Asia and it was amazing. The Chinese …

The 401 on Silicon Valley Postgres

August 2017

We launched the Silicon Valley Postgres Meetup.

March 6th, 2018

We have reached 401 members in what is proving to be one of the fastest growing Postgres meetups in the United States. We launched the meetup along with Vancouver B.C., Denver, Salt Lake City, and Phoenix.

Between these and other meetups we help organize such as New York, Philly, and Dallas, we are reaching more people than ever …

Connection Initiation Overhead is Killing Your Web App - Use a Connection Pool

Customers often ask us what is the correct setting for max_connections on their PostgreSQL cluster?  There is a short answer to this question, and there is a very, very long answer. The short answer is: accept the default if that works for you, or try 10 times the number of CPU cores and see if that works ok.

There is another short answer which is: you may be asking the …

Speaking and training at PGConf Austin

I leave this Sunday for beautiful and ecclectic Austin, Tx. I will be providing the training Postgres Performance and Maintenance as well as speaking on The Power of Postgres Replication. The training is one that I give several times a year but the Replication talk is new. Although I have spoke on replication before, this new presentation is all about the power of Logical Replication. If you would like to …

PostgreSQL v10: An Amplified Version of PostgreSQL

For more than a decade, the Postgres community has released new major versions almost annually to meet the evolving needs of the Database Industry. The first great release of Postgres was 8.3 in 2008, with a clean and evolutionary release of 8.4 eighteen months later. The 2017 v10 release of Postgres is the first version that I would consider truly, “Enterprise Ready.”

PostgreSQL has seen great success in the commercial …

Speaking at PGConf Seattle, are you going?

Jim Mlodgenski in attendence at the 9th Annual PGConf.EU and I am working hard on updating my slides for my presentation at PGConf Seattle. PGConf Seattle is being held at the downtown Seattle Sheraton on November 13th and 14th.  I will be speaking on Postgres version 10. I will also be training on Postgres Performance and Maintenance (you can buy your ticket here). If you are planning on attending …

Postgres is better than MySQL but not because of how long it took to fix a bug

Many argue which is better: PostgreSQL or MySQL. A recent post by MySQL evangelist and community manager Frederic Descamps prompted some criticism of the amount of time that it took for a particular bug to be fixed -- 14.5 years to be exact, from the initial report.

There’s a long list of technical and performance comparisons, but here’s the number one reason to choose Postgres over MySQL.

Community Drives Change …

London PostgreSQL Meetup

One of the fantastic characteristics of Postgres leaders is their willingness to serve the community.

Yesterday I found out that one of our former team members, Devrim Gunduz, has created a new London PostgreSQL user group and they had their inaugural meeting in October. At the time of this writing there were 123 members in the group. This level of response shows a great demand for Postgres content. I spoke …

PostgreSQL Non-exclusive Base Backups in Bash

Here I'm posting a bash script that implements PostgreSQL's new (since 9.6) "non-exclusive" base backup.

I often find that new customers are shy about binary PostgreSQL backups and only schedule logical pg_dump backups. PostgreSQL provides a brilliantly simple binary backup solution that enables easy point in time recovery, unlike pg_dump backups. So I always try to steer people towards these binary "base backups", as they are called in the PostgreSQL …